Shop Small

Chamber Champions Small Business Season

This season, it’s more important than ever to support the local businesses we love. You might not realize it, but every time you pick up a cup of coffee from your favorite neighborhood café or buy a gift from a local artist’s online store, you’re shopping small and making a difference.

When you Shop Small® this holiday season – and all year long – you can help create a big impact. Visit the searchable Chamber Member Directory.

Last year, more than half (56%) of small businesses surveyed agree that this year’s Small Business Saturday is more critical than ever for their business and 78% say holiday sales will impact their ability to keep their doors open.

According to the American Express Shop Small Impact survey

Instead of a single day, let’s celebrate Small Business Season!

Especially this year, every dollar you spend locally makes a difference. We all have favorites that we can’t imagine living without. However, fewer small businesses are opening and staying open during the ongoing economic crisis. An abundance of grit, passion, and determination is needed for a business to be successful. You can do your part by choosing to support local entrepreneurs and help the Chamber rebuild a healthy economy.

For every ten jobs at a small business, another seven are supported in the local community. And the Seattle Good Business Network found that small businesses donate 250% more to nonprofits and community causes than larger businesses. You may be surprised to know that over $9.3 billion would be returned to the US economy if every family spent just $10 a month at a local business. Did you ever imagine that $10 can have such a huge impact?!

Browse Online, Shop Local

Yes, online shopping is convenient. You don’t have to change out of your PJs and it’s always open. But in the t-chart of holiday shopping options, there are a lot of reasons to shop local. Here are 16 reasons why to shop local instead of online.

Small Business Saturday

Taking place the Saturday following Thanksgiving, Small Business Saturday continues to be an annual holiday shopping tradition — just one part of the larger Shop Small Movement that supports small businesses every day and everywhere.

The Chamber is a proud member of the Small Business Saturday Coalition and has been since 2010 saw the launch of Small Business Saturday®. This year’s event will takes place on November 25 and continues the annual holiday shopping tradition — just one part of the larger Shop Small Movement to support small businesses every day and everywhere. Because a visit to the family-owned salon or a stop at the neighborhood taco truck not only supports our local economies, but it also promotes more vibrant communities.

Shoppers: Pledge to Shop Small

Shop Small all year-long. Get up, get out and shop or dine at a local small business, invite friends to shop with you, find a new spot online, or share on your social networks where you #ShopSmall. Find new small businesses in your community through the American Express Shop Small Map or in the Chamber directory.

Follow our Facebook Page to learn more about unique opportunities to support local entrepreneurs.

Merchants: Customize Marketing Materials

With 80% of consumers surveyed stating they are likely to Shop Small this holiday season, small business owners can utilize American Express’ Shop Small Studio for complimentary downloadable posters, social media posts and more to help them garner attention for their business and rally their communities. Small business owners can also access new signage and marketing materials for U.S. merchants that let customers know they’re “Always Welcome” here.

You can add or update your listing on the Shop Small® Map from that page. (If your business is not on the Shop Small Map or Online Directory, follow the detailed instructions on the Shop Small Map FAQs.)